


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2015, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 23-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2015.05.005

• 学术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2015-10-24 发布日期:2015-12-01

A Control Method of Gyrowheel’s Swing Angle Based on Series Decoupling

  • Online:2015-10-24 Published:2015-12-01

摘要: 陀螺飞轮通过挠性支撑的动量轮转子加减速及侧向摆动实现三轴控制力矩输出,飞轮转子两维侧摆伺服系统是实现三轴力矩输出功能的关键.高速转子两维侧摆运动存在强耦合,采用常规的PID控制器无法实现两通道独立输出控制力矩.给出了一种解耦控制方法,通过串联解耦矩阵实现两维摆角解耦控制,并通过实时计算解耦矩阵系数解决解耦矩阵随飞轮转子转速时变的问题.数值仿真结果验证了这种解耦控制方法的有效性.

关键词: 陀螺飞轮, 串联解耦, 摆角控制

Abstract: A gryowheel can output torques in three directions via changing the angular momentum’s amplitude or direction. The servo system for swing angle control is the key to achieving the function of triaxial torque output. There is a strong coupling between the highspeed rotor’s swings in two directions so that the output torques in two directions independently is unavailable under normal PID control methods. A method for decoupling control is provided via adding a series of system matrices and creating two decoupling systems. The coefficients of the series of system matrices are changing as rotor speed changing. It can be solved by calculating the coefficients in a real time digital control processor. Numerical simulation result shows the feasibility of this control method.

Key words: gyrowheel, series decoupling, swing angle control

