


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2015, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (1): 41-45.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2015.01.008

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  • 出版日期:2015-02-25 发布日期:2015-02-26

Effects of Preload on the MicroVibration Properties of  Bearing Assemblies in FlyWheels

  • Online:2015-02-25 Published:2015-02-26

摘要: 轴承组件作为飞轮的核心机械部件之一,提供稳固的回转支承,其振动特性直接影响飞轮微振动水平.基于轴承组件轴向预紧原理,采用定位硬预紧轴承预载精确测量的方法为轴承组件施加定位预载,建立轴承组件振动测试系统,获得不同预载下轴承组件的振动特性,分析预载对轴承组件特征频率、固有振动特性及滚动体通过振动特性的影响.结果表明基于振动特性分析轴承组件存在最佳的预载取值范围.

关键词: 预载, 轴承组件, 振动, 幅频特性

Abstract: As a key mechanical component providing the stable support in a flywheel, the vibration properties of bearing assemblies have significant influence on the microvibration properties of flywheels. Based on the principle of axial preload on a bearing assembly, a precise rigid preload approach is employed to apply a set of positional preloads on the bearing assembly, and a vibration test system for bearing assemblies is established to capture the vibration properties of the bearing assembly with the preloads. The effects of preloads on the harmonic frequencies, the natural vibration and the ball passage vibration are analyzed. Based on the tests, the effects of the preloads on the vibration properties are analyzed and the optimized regime of the preloads is derived. The reseach suggests the existence of an optimized rigidpreload regime for the bearing assembly.

Key words: preload, bearing assembly, vibration, amplitudefrequency property

