


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2014, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 47-52.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2014.03.009

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  • 出版日期:2014-06-24 发布日期:2014-08-20

Adaptive Momentum Management of Large Spacecraft Based on Parameter Identification

  • Online:2014-06-24 Published:2014-08-20

摘要:  航天器姿态控制/角动量管理(ACMM)通过调整航天器姿态使引起控制力矩陀螺(CMG)角动量积累的扰动力矩相互抵消,从而有效减小用于CMG卸载的燃料消耗.设计的基于在线参数辨识的自适应ACMM控制器由在线参数辨识回路和反馈线性化回路构成.反馈线性化回路通过状态变换以及相应的输入变换,将原ACMM系统精确等价为一线性系统,通过线性控制器的设计得到适用于原系统的非线性控制律.在线辨识回路利用闭环控制信息对航天器质量特性进行辨识,弥补了反馈线性化对系统模型参数敏感的不足.以空间站组合体舱段转移任务为例进行的数学仿真显示,控制器在力矩平衡姿态(TEA)远离对地定向姿态时具有良好控制性能.

关键词: 姿态控制/角动量管理, 参数辨识, 反馈线性化, 力矩平衡姿态

Abstract: Attitude control/momentum management (ACMM) aims to balance the disturbance through active attitude adjustment, which can significantly reduce the fuel consumption for control moment gyro (CMG) momentum desaturation. The adaptive momentum management controller based on parameter identification developed in this paper consists of an online identification loop and a feedback linearization loop. In the feedback linearization loop, the ACMM system is transformed into an equivalent linear system through output transformation and state transformation. Nonlinear control laws for the original system are obtained through the design of the linear controller . The online identification loop identifies the system moment of inertia based on the closed loop control information, which provides feedback linearization with enough robustness to parameter variations of the system. Simulation results based on the space station module transfer operation demonstrate excellent performance even when the deviation between the torque equilibrium attitude (TEA) and the local vertical local horizontal orientation is significant.

Key words: attitude control/momentum management, parameter identification, feedback linearization, torque equilibrium attitude


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