


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2013, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 41-44.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.03.008

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  • 出版日期:2013-06-24 发布日期:2013-08-27

Tempreature Adaptive Compensator Control Based on Pole Placement for Vacuum Thermal Tests

  • Online:2013-06-24 Published:2013-08-27

摘要: 为了在航天器真空热试验中对试件温度按指定轨迹精确控制,通过变量代换对真空冷背景环境下的对象模型进行稳态线性化近似处理;通过系统辨识技术对广义对象的时滞和模型参数进行了联合辨识;依据对象估计模型,按照极点配置方法设计了自适应控制律,使闭环系统具有期望的闭环稳定性;根据估计模型的延迟和闭环期望特性设计了自适应补偿器,从而提高了控制系统对给定输入的跟踪性能.运用该方法在模拟太阳翼的温度轨迹跟踪试验中取得了满意的控制效果.

关键词: 真空热试验, 时滞估计, 系统辨识, 极点配置, 轨迹控制, 自适应补偿

Abstract: This paper presents a linear approximation method for the steadystate thermal vacuum test system model, and a kind of algorithm for the online joint estimation of time delay and parameters in a class of time varying systems. An adaptive poles assignment controller and compensator are designed with estimated time delay and plant parameters. The system response performance for a given temperature trajectory in tests is greatly improved.

Key words: vacuum thermal tests, delay time estimation, system identification, poleplacement assignment, trajectory control, adaptive compensator


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