


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2012, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 52-57.

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  • 出版日期:2012-02-25 发布日期:2013-03-17

Life Analysis and Experimental Verification of the Infrared Earth Sensor for Target Spacecraft

  • Online:2012-02-25 Published:2013-03-17

摘要:  针对红外地球敏感器受其寿命影响未能进行寿命验证,通过进行可靠性分析,确定了薄弱环节,设计了寿命试验,开展了地面试验验证.寿命试验采取实时寿命试验和进程加速寿命试验相结合的方法,模拟在轨工作环境,考核产品的实际工作寿命,对极端工况下(寿命末期产品密封功能失效)试验件的运转性能及失效模式进行摸底.分析了寿命试验关键参数和极端工况下试验件轴系运转测试数据,数据表明试验件工作正常,已运行在稳定工作期.由可靠性分析和寿命试验数据可以得出:目标飞行器红外地球敏感器实际寿命相对3年寿命要求有较大的裕量,寿命试验的开展可以进一步验证产品实际寿命.

关键词: 红外地球敏感器, 寿命分析, 寿命试验, 极端工况, 试验验证

Abstract: The life of infrared earth sensor can not be validated because of its life limitation, weak parts are confirmed through reliability analysis and a life test is designed to carry out test verification on the ground. The combination of real life test and accelerated life test is taken to simulate the working environment in orbit, in order to assess the actual life of the product and know the real situation of operating performance and failure mode of tested pieces in the extreme condition product sealing function failure at the end of its life. It is shown that test pieces are working in a stable period, by analyzing key parameters of the life test and test data of shafting run in the extreme condition. It can be drawn from reliability analysis and life test data that the 3 years practical lifetime of infrared earth sensor for the target spacecraft has a greater margin and the life test can be used to verify the actual life of the product further.

Key words: infrared earth sensor, life analysis, life test, extreme condition, experimental verification