


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2012, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 6-11.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2012.04.002

• 学术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2012-08-25 发布日期:2013-03-12

Research and Application of Software Bus Architecture

  • Online:2012-08-25 Published:2013-03-12

摘要:  设计一种轻量级软件总线体系结构,将软件总线思想引入到单机软件系统的定制与集成.软件总线技术源于分布式异构环境搭建提出的,应用于分布式系统.对传统软件总线结构进行改进,采用双总线结构,摒除不必要的分布式功能,使轻量级软件总线成为一种适用于单机环境的软件体系结构.通过创建一个基于轻量级软件总线体系结构的模拟银行服务排队系统,验证轻量级软件总线作为单机软件系统的搭建架构具有可行性.

关键词: 轻量级, 软件总线, 分布式系统, 双总线结构, 软件体系结构

Abstract: A lightweight software bus is devised in the article. It attempts to introduce software bus notion into customization and integration of standalone system. Software bus technology is proposed to resolve construction of distributed heterogeneous environment. It is applied broadly in the distributed system. The lightweight software bus reforms structure of traditional software bus by applies dualbus framework and discards unneeded burdensome distributed elements. Therefore, it is qualified as effective software architecture in standalone environment. By means of giving a demonstrated implementation of lightweight software bus architecturebased bank service simulative application, it testifies lightweight software bus effectual as a truss of standalone application’s establishment.

Key words: lightweight, software bus, distributed system, dualbus framework, software architecture