


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2013, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 51-56.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2013.01.009

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摘要: 基于北航最新落成的中俄航天合作项目真空羽流效应试验系统,结合空间站羽流效应试验研究的工程任务需求,成功地开展了10N钟型推力器羽流撞击平板的气动力试验研究.介绍了气动力试验平台的研制情况,包括真空舱及泵组系统、工质供应系统、数据采集及控制系统、羽流气动力测量装置等.为了接近工程实际,试验采用了真实推力器的钟型喷管,给出了10N钟型推力器羽流气动力试验的方案和3种不同位置下氮气冷流撞击平板的压强分布,研究工作对姿控推力器的气动力研究具有重要的参考价值和指导意义.   

  1. (1.北京空间飞行器总体设计部,北京100094;2.中国载人航天工程办公室,北京 100094;3.北京航空航天大学宇航学院,北京100191)
  • 出版日期:2013-02-24 发布日期:2013-02-26
  • 作者简介:作者简介:王文龙(1983—), 男,工程师,研究方向为真空羽流效应研究;周建平(1957—),男,教授,研究方向为载人航天工程总体技术;蔡国飙(1967—),教授,长江学者,研究方向为火箭发动机技术,真空羽流效应研究,多学科仿真优化设计.

On the Aerodynamic Force Experiment of Vacuum Plume for 10N BellShaped Thruster

Abstract:Based on the vacuum plume effect test system of some SinoRussian cooperation project built in Beihang University, and the mission requirements of the space station plume effects experimental research, this paper successfully conducts the aerodynamic force experiments of 10N bellshaped thruster plume by impacting on the tablet. The vacuum chamber, the vacuum pumping system, working fluid supply system, data acquisition system, 10N bellshaped thrusters and aerodynamic measurement devices are introduced. To be closer to the engineering practice, the aerodynamic experiments are equipped with real bell thruster, and the associated aerodynamic experimental scheme is given. The pressure distributions of plate surface with three different flatpanel installation locations are presented. This work provides insight into the future study of the plume aerodynamic force.   

  1. (1.Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, Beijing 100094,China;
     2.China Manned Space Engineering Office, Beijing 100094,China;
    3.School of Astronautics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100191, China)
  • Online:2013-02-24 Published:2013-02-26

摘要: 摘要: 基于北航最新落成的中俄航天合作项目真空羽流效应试验系统,结合空间站羽流效应试验研究的工程任务需求,成功地开展了10N钟型推力器羽流撞击平板的气动力试验研究.介绍了气动力试验平台的研制情况,包括真空舱及泵组系统、工质供应系统、数据采集及控制系统、羽流气动力测量装置等.为了接近工程实际,试验采用了真实推力器的钟型喷管,给出了10N钟型推力器羽流气动力试验的方案和3种不同位置下氮气冷流撞击平板的压强分布,研究工作对姿控推力器的气动力研究具有重要的参考价值和指导意义.

关键词: 关键词: 真空羽流, 试验, 气动力

Abstract: Abstract:Based on the vacuum plume effect test system of some SinoRussian cooperation project built in Beihang University, and the mission requirements of the space station plume effects experimental research, this paper successfully conducts the aerodynamic force experiments of 10N bellshaped thruster plume by impacting on the tablet. The vacuum chamber, the vacuum pumping system, working fluid supply system, data acquisition system, 10N bellshaped thrusters and aerodynamic measurement devices are introduced. To be closer to the engineering practice, the aerodynamic experiments are equipped with real bell thruster, and the associated aerodynamic experimental scheme is given. The pressure distributions of plate surface with three different flatpanel installation locations are presented. This work provides insight into the future study of the plume aerodynamic force.

Key words: Keywords:vacuum plume, experiment, aerodynamic force


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