


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2012, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 49-52.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2012.02.010

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  • 出版日期:2012-04-25 发布日期:2013-03-17

Life Test of Conductive Slip Ring Used for 200N·m·s Control Moment Gyro

  • Online:2012-04-25 Published:2013-03-17

摘要: 导电环用于200N·m·s控制力矩陀螺高速转子电信号的传输,其使用寿命直接决定了200N·m·s控制力矩陀螺整机寿命,因此需要对200N·m·s控制力矩陀螺用导电环进行加速寿命试验.对试验目的、试验对象、加速因子、试验环境、试验系统组成、失效判据进行了详细描述,对导电环寿命试验期间的电噪声、摩擦力矩、绝缘性能等测试结果进行的分析表明,在进行了4×106转的寿命试验后,导电环的各项性能指标仍能够满足200N·m·s控制力矩陀螺的使用需求.

关键词: 控制力矩陀螺, 导电环, 寿命试验

Abstract: The slip ring used to conduct electric signal for rotor is an important component of 200N·m·s control moment gyro (CMG). It is necessary to carry out the life test of the electric ring, because it determines the life of 200N·m·s CMG. The life test of conductive slip ring is presented in this paper. Purpose and object of the test, acceleration factor, test environment, test system configuration and failure criterion are described in detail. Electric noise, frictional torque and insulation performance are analyzed during the test, and the results show the performance of the conductive slip ring satisfies the need for 200N·m·s CMG after 4 million turns of test.

Key words: CMG, conductive slip ring, life test

