


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2012, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 29-33.

• 学术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2012-02-25 发布日期:2013-03-17

Parametrized Geometrical Modeling Method for Flexible Satellite Cable

  • Online:2012-02-25 Published:2013-03-17

摘要: 针对卫星电缆属于柔性件的特点,提出以动态非均匀有理样条B曲线(Dynamic NURBS)建立基于物理特性的电缆几何模型和动力学模型.模型综合考虑了电缆刚度、质量分布、内部变形能等物理量,经仿真验证该模型能在虚拟环境中有效反映电缆的真实形态和运动状况并估算电缆长度,为卫星电缆的虚拟装配提供理论支持.

关键词: 卫星电缆, 几何模型, 基于物理的模型, DNURBS

Abstract: According to the feature that satellite cables belong to flexible parts, the cable geometrical model and dynamics model based on physical characteristics are proposed by using a dynamic nonuniform rational BSplines (Dynamic NURBS). Cable stiffness, mass distribution, internal deformation energy and other physical quantities are taken into account in models, real shape and movement of the cable can be effectively reflected and the cable’s length can be estimated in the virtual environment, which provides theoretical support for virtual assembly of cable satellite.

Key words: satellite cable, geometric model, physicsbased model, DNURBS