


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2017, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 42-48.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2017.01.007

• 学术研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1.北京控制工程研究所,北京 100190; 2.空间智能控制技术重点实验室,北京 100194)
  • 出版日期:2017-02-24 发布日期:2017-03-17
  • 作者简介:作者简介:刘贺龙(1988—),男,博士生,研究方向为空间操作;何英姿(1970—),女,研究员,研究方向为控制理论与控制工程;谈树萍(1978—),女,高级工程师,研究方向为控制理论与控制工程.
  • 基金资助:

Dynamics of Tether Tugging Deorbiting System in the Presence of Offset

  1. (1.Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing 100190, China; 2.Science and Technology on Space Intelligent Control Laboratory, Beijing 100194, China)
  • Online:2017-02-24 Published:2017-03-17

摘要: 摘要: 考虑空间拖船利用飞网/飞爪对空间残骸捕获结束后绳系拖拽系统的动力学特性,开展了基于简化的带偏置点构型的建模及仿真研究.首先,捕获后的组合体包括空间拖船、系绳和空间残骸,系绳在空间残骸一端的牵挂点看作偏置点,给出相应的的绳系拖拽系统构型;其次,以降轨离轨过程为例,建立系统能量方程,并根据欧拉拉格朗日方程给出系统的动力学表达式并估算系绳张紧情况下的平衡点;最后,设定离轨推力,在不同的初始角速度、系绳张紧或松弛以及不同松弛程度条件下,分析绳系拖拽离轨系统的动力学行为.研究表明,空间残骸小的初始角速度和张紧或略微松弛的系绳能够保证安全离轨.

关键词: 关键词: 绳系拖拽, 偏置点, 安全离轨,

Abstract: Abstract:The dynamical characteristics of tether tugging deorbiting system after the capture by net or gripper are focused on. The modeling and simulation about a simplified configuration in the presence of offset are studied. The combination after capture consists of space tug, tether and space debris. A simplified configuration is proposed, whose attachment point of tether on space debris is viewed as a fixed offset. Then, taking the descending process as an example, the energy equation is given and the dynamic equations of the system are formulated based on EulerLagrange method. The equilibrium point is obtained under proper assumption that the tether is tight. At last, the dynamical characteristics of the system are analyzed with different initial angular velocities when tether is tight or slack. The results demonstrate that a safe deorbiting can be guaranteed when the initial angular velocity of the object satellite is small, and when the initial tether is either tight or slightly slack.

Key words: Keywords:tether tugging, offset, safe deorbiting


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